Dear Christian Friends,
Debbie, my wife, accepted Jesus Christ as her own personal Savior at the age of 22. We have one daughter, named Cheryl, and she too is saved. We have two grandsons, named Justin Webster and Logan Webster.
I was born physically in the city of Bellefonte, Kentucky, on March 23, 1957. At the age of 10, my family moved to Florida where I grew up in a home that was not centered upon God. I lived my life not se
eking God, and there was no desire to know Him. At the age of 15, I was working and supporting myself as a sign painter. After we married, and at the age of 22, we started our very own sign company.
It was not until my Dad died, at the age of 72, that I began to realize the brevity of life. Shortly after my daddy’s death, our daughter invited me to a revival meeting where I realized, for the very first time, that I was a sinner and in need of a Savior, and that I could not save myself. I received Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior in 1987 at the age of 30.
In obedience to God’s command, I was baptized while attending Providence Baptist Church in Riverview, Florida. My anchor for eternal life is based solely upon the Word of God. Shortly after my conversion, God began speaking to my heart, through the Word of God, about full-time service for Him. I went back to school and completed my High School diploma in 1990. I went on to complete an Associates Degree in the Bible in 1992. Five years after my conversion, God called my family and me to Ambassador Baptist College for further training. I therefore applied and was accepted into their Bachelor’s program, which I completed on May 3, 1996.
All of these opportunities have served well to prepare us for the ministry God has for us in evangelism. Upon graduation, we made our home in Kings Mountain, North Carolina. When we are not in meetings, we serve the Lord in and through Emmanuel Baptist Church in Kings Mountain, North Carolina.
We believe in the ministry of the local church. We also believe that, if anything is going to be done for Christ, it will be done in and through the local church. We have the privilege of traveling to various fundamental, independent Baptist Churches at home and around the world. It is our desire to share Christ and help pastors at home and abroad through the ministry of evangelism. Our purpose is to evangelize the lost, disciple believers, edify the local church, and encourage God’s people as our life long calling as long as God permits.
By God’s grace,
Norman and Debbie Stevens